2020 Regional Softball Pairings

Please use the link to fill out a Return to School Survey. We are looking for everyone's input.

NO GIRLS SOFTBALL GAME TONIGHT, June 30th, due to a scheduling conflict.

Please be sure to complete the state technology survey. An email will be resent later today.

There will not be any baseball or softball games tonight. Girls playJune 23rd at Glidden Ralston at 5:00PM. Boys play Monday June 29th at 5:30 PM. Varsity games to be followed by JV.

Exira-EHK Prom Grand March is Saturday, June 13th at the Exira City Park, starting at 5:30PM. Please come out and support our amazing students!

Summer lunch program pickup start Monday, June 1st, at noon in both Exira and Elk Horn.

In honor of our seniors, we will post the senior awards tonight, May 29th, on Facebook at 6:00 PM. This is a slide show presentation of all 40 graduating seniors from Exira-Elk Horn-Kimballton's Class of 2020. Each senior will receive a copy of their page at graduation on Sunday, May 31st

Exira-EHK HS English teacher, Mrs. Morenz, was able to participate in Iowa Reading Research Center's virtual Q & A with author Kelly Loy Gilbert. Check it out here: https://www.facebook.com/iowareadingresearchcenter/videos/221141469337075/

Congratulations Kami Waymire!!!

Here's the form for Meal Pick Up - May 4th! https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1uAQ26O6JyAehOBR4bHTq_jqTBKRkVCYDYn2znhzBmKE/viewform?fbclid=IwAR36_eWwIbmouM9oGvqnx9lvU-HnWs2Lo8jUUB-mLsbGAf_7j4cwkcipm88&edit_requested=true

Congratulations to Ellie Schultes on becoming a United States Presidential Scholar. She is one of 161 students named to this program every year. Way to go Ellie! Show your Spartan Pride and send her congratulations. You make us proud!

Monday, February 17th students will be in school as a make up day for a snow day. Please make arrangements if needed. Again, we will HAVE school on Monday, February 17th.

Spartan Media was able to sit down with our own Blake Petersen about SWIBA.