MS/HS Lunch Sign up for Wednesday lunch.
These meals will be provided to students, at a cost to their lunch account, on Tuesday afternoon for Wednesday. Please sign up by Tuesday, August 25th by 8:00 AM.

There will be a JH Football/Volleyball meeting tomorrow at 1:02 in the new gym for students interested in participating this fall. Practice for JH activities will begin Monday, August 24. Information about practices and schedule will be handed out tomorrow. Thanks, Coach Petersen

Reminder: No School Tomorrow Wednesday, August 19th.
Virtual learners are to pick up their Chromebooks and materials according to the letter sent home last week.

The Booster Club Clothing Order is Open!

Elementary Updates - https://5il.co/jqd2
MS/HS Lunch program will start the week of August 24th. Be watching for updates.

When to Stay Home Information

Family and Community Resources from the Department of Education.

There will not be a middle school or high school open house this year. We will have a back to school program for the 6th grade students on Friday. All students will receive their schedules and be directed to 1st hour for further instructions.

Updated Elementary Open House Information

Open House Information for the Elementary

We are looking for gallon buckets!
If you have a gallon sized bucket or an ice cream bucket that you can give to the school for cleaning kits, please drop them off outside the HS office.
Thank you!

Chance for a unique and highly competitive opportunity provided by the Marines Corps, the Naval Reserve Officer Training Corps Scholarship (NROTC).
The scholarship provides $180,000 toward tuition, monthly stipend & upon graduation, a commissioning in the US Marine Corps.

Check out the Parent Q & A Meeting Video on Exira-EHK's Return to Learn Plan

Exira-EHK Return to Learn Handbook is now on the school website. Click the following link to take you directly to the document: https://5il.co/j0dt

High School Scheduling:
All students who will be attending Exira-EHK high school this fall need to schedule their classes. The following times have been saved for students at the high school. Please bring and wear a facial covering.
12th: August 4th @ 9:00AM
11th:August 4th @ 1:00PM
10th: August 5th @ 9:00AM
9th: August 5th @ 1:00PM
Come through the bell door to the new gym!

Updated 20-21 Calendar

Parent meeting update:
We will meet on Zoom July 29th @ 9:00AM, 6:00PM and July 30th @ 6:00PM
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 845 7121 9539
Passcode: zp91yg

Return to Learn Plan Parent Meetings:
July 29th 9:00 AM and 6:00 PM @ Elk Horn MS/HS
July 30th: 9:00 AM and 6:00 PM @ Exira Elementary
We ask that you either wear a mask/face covering or social distance. Thank you!

Return to Learn Plan Update

We are hiring!
The Exira-EHK elementary is looking for para educators for both pre-school and kindergarten for the 2020-2021 school year.
Please send your applications to Mr. Miller or Mrs. Bruns at tmiller@exira-ehk.k12.ia.us or rburns@exira-ehk.k12.ia.us