Please join us for our MS/HS Academic/Activity night during Parent Teacher Conferences on Tuesday, March 11th. Please see the attached flier for more information. Please come and see what the students have been working on at Exira-EHK this year! We would love to see you; the students are excited to share their work with you!
2 days ago, Erika Van Cleave
academic showcase
There has been an error with our system: At this time, a decision for school tomorrow (Friday March 7th) has not been decided.
3 days ago, Erika Van Cleave
Little League Registration will be postponed until next week.
3 days ago, Erika Van Cleave
EEHK students will not have school tomorrow (3/5) due to impending weather. There will be virtual teacher PD -- teachers, please check your emails.
5 days ago, Erika Van Cleave
Freaky Friday Rehearsal Time Change! Instead of starting at 5 PM, we will begin right after school and finish at 5 PM to accommodate for the potential weather. If a student can't make it due to these changes, I understand. ~ Mr. Parmley
5 days ago, Cody Parmley
Please see the information attached for Baseball/Softball Registration for grades 2-7. Thanks
5 days ago, Erika Van Cleave
You are invited to our next SIAC (School Improvement Advisory Committee) Meeting on March 18th at 5:45 pm in the MS/HS Conference Room. The MS/HS Concert follows at 7 pm.
5 days ago, Erika Van Cleave
SIAC Spring
Happy Monday Spartan Nation! Please take time to provide feedback, questions, concerns, etc in regards to a 4 day Instructional Week. Daycare families -- you can fill out the online link or there are paper copies at KITV
6 days ago, Erika Van Cleave
Friday Celebration had 2 classes earning the PBIS bus trophy (both sections 4th grade), 3-5 drawing winners, and another Reading Core graduate! Way to go Spartans!!
7 days ago, Stef Ford
reading core
Elementary Families: Spring Parent-Teacher Conferences are coming up on Monday, March 10 and Tuesday, March 11 from 4:00-7:00 each evening. To sign up for your child's conference time, please click on the link to fill in the Google sheet for conferences. Find the column for your child's teacher and put his/her name in the time slot you wish to meet with the teacher. Please do not remove or move any name other than your own child(ren). If you have any questions, email your child's teacher or call the school at 712-268-5318.
9 days ago, Carrie Bauer
Attention Preschool Families: Our morning preschool will be making up some late start days. We will have MORNING ONLY preschool on Wednesday, March 5th and Wednesday, April 2nd, normal morning preschool hours.
9 days ago, Carrie Bauer
Please take time to fill out the 4-day Instructional Week Survey if you have not done so already. We value your insight and thoughts.
10 days ago, Erika Van Cleave
Friday celebration involved lots of celebrating this week: 3-5 Spartan Pride Certificates, Purposefull People Hall of Fame Honorees for Respect, and the results of our Squat Challenge! Well done, Spartans - you rock!
15 days ago, Stef Ford
hall of fame inductees
squat champions
Mrs. Hansen doled out AR reading awards for the "25 point club," "50 point club," "75 point club," and medals for the "100 point club." Way to Read, Spartans!!!
15 days ago, Stef Ford
25 pt. club
50 points
75 points
100 point
Join us next Thursday for an AMAZING concert! It’s been a while since we’ve hosted this event, and we can’t wait to share this experience with you. Doors open at 6:30 PM, so be sure to arrive early! Tickets must be purchased through Bound. Don’t miss out—get yours today!
16 days ago, Cody Parmley
Band Festival
For National FFA week, officers of EEHK's chapter came to the elementary for some "Ag Olympics"
16 days ago, Stef Ford
Kindergarten finished up their "Kings and Queens" unit with a royalty day: crowns were made, princess and the pea mattresses were drawn, fun was had. Sounds like they had a 'ball'
16 days ago, Stef Ford
Good evening Spartan Nation -- EEHK will be 2 hours late tomorrow (Friday 2/21) due to the extreme cold. Stay warm.
17 days ago, Erika Van Cleave
Mr. M's 2nd grade class was the first recipients of and Spartan Spirit Trophy for working hard as a class and showing good Spartan Pride throughout the entire building. We are looking forward to see which class will be the next to be awarded this prestigious elementary trophy!
18 days ago, Carrie Bauer
2M trophy
EEHK has an immediate opening for a paraprofessional at the elementary. Please call, email, or stop in for an application if interested.
18 days ago, Carrie Bauer
elem para hire