We are looking for gallon buckets! If you have a gallon sized bucket or an ice cream bucket that you can give to the school for cleaning kits, please drop them off outside the HS office. Thank you!
over 4 years ago, Mary Bleth-Harris
Chance for a unique and highly competitive opportunity provided by the Marines Corps, the Naval Reserve Officer Training Corps Scholarship (NROTC). The scholarship provides $180,000 toward tuition, monthly stipend & upon graduation, a commissioning in the US Marine Corps.
over 4 years ago, Dan Spooner
Check out the Parent Q & A Meeting Video on Exira-EHK's Return to Learn Plan https://www.eehkspartans.org/article/279453?org=exira-ehk
over 4 years ago, Dan Spooner
Spartan Head
Exira-EHK Return to Learn Handbook is now on the school website. Click the following link to take you directly to the document: https://5il.co/j0dt
over 4 years ago, Mary Bleth-Harris
High School Scheduling: All students who will be attending Exira-EHK high school this fall need to schedule their classes. The following times have been saved for students at the high school. Please bring and wear a facial covering. 12th: August 4th @ 9:00AM 11th:August 4th @ 1:00PM 10th: August 5th @ 9:00AM 9th: August 5th @ 1:00PM Come through the bell door to the new gym!
over 4 years ago, Mary Bleth-Harris
Updated 20-21 Calendar
over 4 years ago, Dan Spooner
20-21 Calendar
Parent meeting update: We will meet on Zoom July 29th @ 9:00AM, 6:00PM and July 30th @ 6:00PM Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84571219539?pwd=V2N0a1UvK0dFby8zSStIRnAveGx4Zz09 Meeting ID: 845 7121 9539 Passcode: zp91yg
over 4 years ago, Mary Bleth-Harris
Return to Learn Plan Parent Meetings: July 29th 9:00 AM and 6:00 PM @ Elk Horn MS/HS July 30th: 9:00 AM and 6:00 PM @ Exira Elementary We ask that you either wear a mask/face covering or social distance. Thank you!
over 4 years ago, Mary Bleth-Harris
Return to Learn Plan Update https://5il.co/ijll
over 4 years ago, Mary Bleth-Harris
We are hiring! The Exira-EHK elementary is looking for para educators for both pre-school and kindergarten for the 2020-2021 school year. Please send your applications to Mr. Miller or Mrs. Bruns at tmiller@exira-ehk.k12.ia.us or rburns@exira-ehk.k12.ia.us
over 4 years ago, Mary Bleth-Harris
2020 Regional Softball Pairings
over 4 years ago, Mary Bleth-Harris
Class 1A Region 2
Please use the link to fill out a Return to School Survey. We are looking for everyone's input. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1m4Iu2MNJUDiFm-khctImloX9xGxOwQuI2U4TzostYCE
over 4 years ago, Mary Bleth-Harris
NO GIRLS SOFTBALL GAME TONIGHT, June 30th, due to a scheduling conflict.
over 4 years ago, Mary Bleth-Harris
Please be sure to complete the state technology survey. An email will be resent later today.
over 4 years ago, Mary Bleth-Harris
There will not be any baseball or softball games tonight. Girls playJune 23rd at Glidden Ralston at 5:00PM. Boys play Monday June 29th at 5:30 PM. Varsity games to be followed by JV.
over 4 years ago, Mary Bleth-Harris
Exira-EHK Prom Grand March is Saturday, June 13th at the Exira City Park, starting at 5:30PM. Please come out and support our amazing students!
over 4 years ago, Mary Bleth-Harris
Summer lunch program pickup start Monday, June 1st, at noon in both Exira and Elk Horn.
over 4 years ago, Mary Bleth-Harris
In honor of our seniors, we will post the senior awards tonight, May 29th, on Facebook at 6:00 PM. This is a slide show presentation of all 40 graduating seniors from Exira-Elk Horn-Kimballton's Class of 2020. Each senior will receive a copy of their page at graduation on Sunday, May 31st
over 4 years ago, Mary Bleth-Harris
Exira-EHK HS English teacher, Mrs. Morenz, was able to participate in Iowa Reading Research Center's virtual Q & A with author Kelly Loy Gilbert. Check it out here: https://www.facebook.com/iowareadingresearchcenter/videos/221141469337075/
over 4 years ago, Mary Bleth-Harris
Congratulations Kami Waymire!!! https://www.iahsaa.org/iowa-governors-scholar/
over 4 years ago, Mary Bleth-Harris